The Bluewater Land Learning Project
Below, you will find a list of some of the courses, readings, podcasts, videos, and organizations/initiatives that were consulted throughout the process of this project. Resources featured are relate to land-based education, decolonial education, decolonization, indigenization, and reconciliation, with particular attention to outdoor recreation spaces. This list is not exhaustive, however, it provides a helpful starting point for outdoor recreation professionals and educators seeking to introduce new programming, and reimagine existing programming and practices.
If you have a resource that you think should be added to this page, please let us know.
Critical Orientations: Indigenous Studies and Outdoor Education
A free online course from Oregon State University that supports educators in, "engaging with culturally responsive incorporation of Indigenous studies concepts into outdoor education curriculum and programming."​
Reconciliation Through Indigenous Education​
A free online course from the University of British Columbia that supports educators in envisioning, "how Indigenous histories, perspectives, worldviews, and approaches to learning can be made part of the work done in classrooms, organizations, communities, and in everyday experiences that are thoughtful and respectful."​
A free online curriculum development tool funded by the Government of Alberta that supports curriculum developers in including "accurate and relevant First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Perspectives​ and content into curriculum."
Antoine, A., Mason, R., Mason, R., Palahicky, S. & Rodriguez de France, C. (2018). Pulling together: A guide for curriculum developers. BCcampus.
Dotto, S. (2020). Evaluation for land-based programming: A literature review. Hotıì ts’eeda.
Hamilton, T. (2003). The representation and appropriation of Indigenous cultures at Ontario summer camps. Pathways: The Ontario Journal of Outdoor Education.
Kimmerer, R. W. (2013). Braiding sweetgrass: Indigenous wisdom, scientific knowledge and the teachings of plants. Milkweed editions.
McDonald, M. (2023). Indigenous land-based education in theory and practice. Yellowhead Institute.
Ologies with Alie Ward
Speaking Across Knowledge Systems​
An initiative partnered with Treaty Education Alliance based on a vision of an Indigenous education system rooted in Inherent and Treaty Rights.
A non-profit organization dedicated to environmental advocacy and education in the Northwest Territories.
A non-profit organization initiative dedicated to encouraging youth to spend time outside. Offers professional learning opportunities for outdoor education professionals and maintains a resource bank of Indigenous learning materials.
A "collaborative ​network of educators, families, and community partners working to cultivate equitable, culturally thriving, socio-ecological learning and ethical decision making using field-based science curriculum." Learning in places is oriented by a pedagogy that centres, "racial equity, ethical, evidence-based decision-making, and just relations with the natural world." This project is a collaboration between University of Washington Bothell Goodlad Institute for Education Renewal, Northwestern University School of Education and Social Policy, Tilth Alliance, and Seattle Public Schools.